February 10, 10:00am PST
Suspense Radio
February 20
Aftershock released in trade paperback
March 6
Speed the Dawn is released
March 6
Meet the thriller author podcast airs
March 7, 8:00pm EST
Conversation with Pam Stack, Authors on the Air
March 13, 2:00pm PST
Conversation with Bill Kenower
March 22-25
Left Coast Crime Conference
Reno NV
March 31, 1:30pm-2:00pm
Book Signing
Once Upon a Crime Anniversary event
Click the graphic to the right to see the list of authors
Minneapolis, MN
April 4, 4:30pm
Totally Criminal Cocktail Hour
Stillwater, MN (ticketed event)
April 7, 12:00-2:00pm CST
Informal signing
Once Upon a Crime
Minneapolis, MN
April 21, 10:00am
Redwing Public Library
Redwing, MN
July 12
LA Talk Radio, Writers Block
(details to follow)
Events are updated regularly; please check back often.